my blog post today is going to be about learning to love who we are. And by love, I don't mean in a cocky, arrogant way, where you believe that everyone loves you because of how pretty you think you may be, or how many friends you have. I mean a genuine love, accepting who are and realising that you were made an individual and not a copy.
1. The greatest gift you can give yourself is yourself filled with self-love. Unfortunately, in our society too many people are hard on themselves because they haven't learnt to accept their own beauty.
2. Instead of fighting with yourself, beating yourself up and trying to change these imperfections that we all have, love yourself! Embrace every imperfection you have and work with it.
3. It's cliché but true, no one can never love you properly if you don't learn to love yourself. It's a hard task, and we all criticise the way we are, whether that be how we look, how we act etc.
Whether you're size 6 or 20, Black or White, confident or quiet! Totally embrace it all because no one else can be you, people may judge you but that's because we try and find faults in other people to make ourselves feel better, it's human nature.
Forget about the little things in life, love yourself for who you are, if you are one of these people who have to look in the mirror everyday and say what you love about yourself , THEN DO IT! and work it like there is no tomorrow. I for one, am sick and tired of how one person, who I might add probably has nothing natural about them, gets to decided what's right and what's wrong in a person, be whoever the hell you want to be!
Those of you who know me, know I am an original sass pot! and always have been! I've never really worried about how people look at me, because I have accepted that I will never look like Beyoncé or Rihanna or whoever the media finds 'perfect' but I am a happy person and that's because I learnt to love myself!
The hardest challenge is to be yourseld in a world where everyone is trying to make you somebody else- E.E. Cummings