Saturday, 28 December 2013


So, my blog post today comes from a conversation I was having with my best friend today.

People who...

First off, I will start with the girls that act like their relationship/boyfriend is the only important thing in the world and everything that comes out of their mouths is boy related; the issues they're having, the arguments! Like, do you not have anything better to talk to me about other than your failing relationship? what about things that actually matter in the world, that are important to just more than one person.

Second of all, and probably one of the most annoying things, people who act like they care! For example, if you've never spoken to me/ or a person before, and something bad happens, why do you all of a sudden care? why is the fact that something in my life goes wrong, and you're all of a sudden my best friend? NO, if you don't know me, don't pretend that you care.

Thirdly, ungrateful people. people who don't realise how lucky they are to have luxuries and things, yet they don't get one thing and they start behaving like they don't get ANYTHING. everything is a blessing whether we receive it or not! don't be the fool who thinks that luxuries are forever, because when you base your life on material things, and all that is gone! you will have nothing, so don't being so ungrateful and appreciate things. AND THOSE WHO ARE UNGRATEFUL FOR THEIR PARENTS! don't even get me started, them ones that will make statuses saying they 'hate' their mum or dad? pardon? I think you forgot how you got here in the first place. don't be ridiculous! yeah, i understand that not every parent is a good parent, but that besides the point.

and my fourth and final point, although I could write soooo much more, is those who are disrespectful. I mean people who disrespect someones beliefs, someones morals, someones lifestyle, someones things and who just outright disrespect a person. Who can you possibly think you are to believe that you can belittle someone else, I can't get my head around it! Respect is something that is earnt yes! but that doesn't give you the right to deliberately go out of your way to be disrespectful. It's unnecessary and quite frankly rude.

I didn't want to rant but it has pretty much turnt out that way. anyway! HAPPY END TO 2013 :D