Sunday, 11 January 2015

Woman Emerging #1

So, if you read my blog last week you are aware of a new project I set for myself,and if you aren't, take a quick glance at my last blog for the overall gist. But, in a nutshell, I decided for the next year, every week, once a week, I will write a blog containing one encouraging truth about women. 

my first truth of the year begins with women and their state of being...

Truth Number One: You Are Empowered

what do I mean when I say this? Well, the word empower means 'to give someone the authority or power to do something/make someone stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights'. So, when I say, you are an empowered woman, I mean exactly that. You are a woman of confidence, strength and authority. This isn't a truth that just applies to the most successful woman, or the woman who bosses. No, I mean, it was in your very nature and design that you were made confident, with strength and authority. 

When God made woman from man, He made us second class citizens, who would struggle in a society of oppressionand misery, right? Incorrect. God looked at man and saw that man alone was not enough, he knew that man could not work the earth without an equal partner, someone who would walk with him in harmony and great relationship. He saw that man needed someone who he could relate to and share life with. "Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good for man to be alone, I will make a helper who is just right for him'" (Genesis 2:18).

My point to you isn't that you read this and think that you were made to be an enslaved servant, but that you recognise in your very nature, you were made to be a person, who would sustain men. Meaning, if men are empowered, then so are women. This isn't a statement I write to make you feel 'good' or 'warm' about yourself. I say this because it's true. And the more of you that know this, the more we can do to impact a society and a culture where this isn't the understanding of women. 

Take a look at the Lioness, abundance and power is hers. These females amongst their pride tend to do the mass of the hunting. They work in groups (together, side by side with fellow Lioness) and use intelligent hunting tactics to catch prey which they would not be able to catch alone. The energy and determination upheld in the Lioness ensures that she will be a great provider, capable of going out into the world, effectively meeting the confrontations of every day life and yet, she is still competent in bringing home the bonus for herself and her loved ones. There is no need for her to worry about whether or not she will prosper, SHE IS THE LIONESS. There is no questioning her vigor. It's probably fair to say there is no animal that makes a male content to be a male than a lion. He may be the King of the jungle, but there is no doubt about who is his Queen. She roars and she has the attention of an entire pride. Authoritative and fierce when necessary, yet gentle with a mothering heart, Empowered.

That is just a small fraction of who can be, and who you are in your very nature and truth. But, I want you to understand that, although something is the truth, when it's not something we are used to hearing or in fact, something we have never believed for ourselves. This truth becomes more of an aspiration than a reality, and that is okay, it just means that we have to work on believing it. How? Well, first and foremost you can start confessing it over yourself, 'I AM EMPOWERED' , who knows that what you confess over your life is often what you become? Therefore, if you confess the positive truth you are, the positive truth you will become. Then once you have grasped it for yourself, confess it over each other and too each other. Build each other up. Just think of how effective and productive we as women could be if we all believed we were empowered and empowered each other. 

'If ever there comes a time when the women of the world come together purely and simply for the benefit of mankind, it will be a force such as the world has never known' - Matthew Arnold

Friday, 2 January 2015

A New Project

So, it's a new year and I reviewed my blog and realised, I didn't really do much blogging last year, which upset me because I love to write, and I love you to share with you guys what's on my heart and my passions.

Nonetheless, I have thought of 'A New Project', also challenge for myself this year. I am not sure how many of you have noticed but in today's society, Women aren't exactly the most encouraging towards or about one another, and this to me isn't right. Women face enough oppression and doubt worldwide from the male population, without having to feel the same worthlessness from fellow women. And I'd like to just add these feelings of worthlessness aren't the truth about who women are and who women are called to be. It's only right that in a world where women are constantly fighting for equality in some shape or form, that they start with how they treat each other

Ladies! It doesn't help to label each other, it's not healthy and like I said before, it's not true either. Constant negativity and bitchiness towards one another is corrupting the image of 'A Woman' and it's deteriorating all the truths about us. We aren't 'bitches' nor are we 'ugly' or 'basic' or 'side chicks'. or whatever other slander is written over the internet. Don't entertain these lies for the sake of 'likes' or more 'popularity'. It breaks my heart when I scroll through internet timeline's and see a bundle of despicable comments on another girls photo, or wall claiming how 'ugly' and 'fat' she is, or even to the extent where females have decided that it's okay to completely rip apart a fellow female because she has a different fashion sense. It's not okay, nor will it ever will be. 

I no longer want to live in a world where I might be afraid to dress a certain way, or think a certain way, out of fear that another girl is going to put me down. and I will admit, in the past, I had been like that, constantly feeling like a 'lower status' girl, because I was never pretty enough, or fashionable enough and I didn't act in certain ways, and it was girls that made me feel that way, not guys! and it wasn't accidental, these girls went out of there way, to  make me feel of low worth. But that is no longer my issue, I know my self worth, I know my identity, and I am confident in the women that I am called to be. And I believe it has to start here. I want other women to know this worth, to recognise that they aren't what the world says but what the truth says. and it's incredible.

So, back to this project of mine. I am making it my goal, that once a week, every week, I will write one truth on my blog about women, and who we really are. and not what we say we are. This will be challenging for me too, because I have to know wand believe them myself. and even if one person can believe those truth's then I have done what I intended to do.
But what I will say is, If you are a female, and you are reading this, try encouraging your fellow women, it doesn't hurt you to think positively about one another, no woman is more superior than the next, regardless of your believed 'status'. Love one another, support each other, build each other up.

"When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness" Proverbs 31:26