Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Is there any need for it?

So, Today I struggled to find what I would write about on my blog tonight and as the day went on, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to give my views on people who are judgmental towards one another.

I can understand that people won't always get along, and people have reasons for not liking one another, but what I don't and won't ever understand is the need for people to purposely go out of their way to judge someone else.. Girls especially! The constant bitching and feeling like they have the right to classify that girl as 'ugly' or that other girl a 'slag'. People will constantly overuse the phrase 'sticks and stones make break my bones, but words will never hurt me', Well everyone knows that's a lie and quite possibly the worlds biggest..
It doesn't make you a weak person to admit that you were hurt by what someone said, in fact, it just makes you human.

But that isn't my point, my point is, we only have one life on this earth together, so why are we putting each other down? yes, I am aware this sounds cheesy and awfully hopeful, but that's okay isn't it? Surely, if our world focused on being supportive and encouraging people no matter what their chosen lifestyle, we could eradicate a number of psychological illnesses such as depression that are often a consequence of negative and irrational thoughts that have been planted into that person by the words of someone else. I am not saying depression is purely a product of irrational thoughts because it's not, there are biological factors as well however, the words you speak over someone will influence how they see themselves whether that be positive or negative.

I am not asking for everyone to be artificial and pretend to like one another because let's be honest, that's unrealistic, but just think about what you're speaking over the lives of the people you come into contact with and remember that nobody likes to feel worthless. Speak a positive word over someone and they'll remember it for a day, speak down on that person and they'll never forget. It doesn't hurt to be nice to one another, and if it hurts you, I'd rethink your principles.

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