Sunday, 16 February 2014

Making Memories

'Make memories' it sounds stupid right? But it's something that I have thought about for a long time recently so I am going to write about it regardless. I think it's important that we make memories in life because as time passes, you forget those times when you really enjoyed yourself whatever you were doing. 

Also, as we grow older, we lose people along the way for many different reasons. Some people may pass away, others you just lose contact with, others you just don't have much in common with anymore, but at one point in your life, they could have meant the world to you, a friend, a partner, a brother, sister, relative! Anyone could just slip away and before you know it, all you have to hold onto is memories you had with that individual. 

Our days are numbered, we all live fairly comfortable with the idea that we all grow old and die, because, well that's life! But how many of you have actually considered that you could take your last breathe today or tomorrow? How many of you have actually considered that you may not grow old but in fact die before you've had the chance to. I don't mean to say this in a negative or depressing way. I say it because I lost someone recently at such a young age and it was so unexpected, but she lived everyday like her last and made so many memories. Obviously, none that she could take with her, but many she left with me and so many others.

I guess I am saying this because one day, your life could completely change for the better or worse but no matter what season your life goes through, you will always have positive memories to look back on, and there are just so many ways you can do this...

1. Take photos of some of your happiest moments 

Cherish every single happy moment you get, don't take that for granted! Snap Away, then look back on those times and remember exactly how you were feeling and how those people made you feel.

2. Make A Scrapbook or Keep a Journal 

This way you can record and keep any funny or exciting memories you have had or experienced and when you look back you might even be able to laugh or cry remembering that exact date and the silly things you did 

3. Write Letters to Each Other, even if you're in the same town!!!

This sounds crazy right? why would you write letters to someone you see all the time? Well this way, all of your memories are kept personal and they're special to you, it's not like a text or an email, which once released, is forever in that databases and ANYONE can get hold of. A letter is more personal, this way, you can keep a box of all the letters who have ever received 
and you can keep them with you for as long as you would like to refer to them.

4. Make a memory box

This is a good way to cherish small keepsakes and souvenirs that you may have collected over the years that have some personal value to you. You can put things like perished festival bands in there, so when you're older, you can look back in your memory box and find the deteriorated 'Lattitude' wristband and remember that great summer you had! You could even put badges and other small things in there.

I challenge you to try at least one of these things for the remainder of the year and maybe, just before the beginning of 2015, look back at these things and see how those memories make you feel! Good Luck. 

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