Monday, 17 March 2014

make time...

so I haven't written a blog recently purely because I haven't had the time hence, my title reflects the contents of this blog! 

As a full-time sixth form student, it's hard to balance time between pleasure and how much time you spend on school work, but it's important you get that balance right otherwise things can go terribly wrong. For example, if you are someone who pushes aside school work to spend all your 'free' time socialising and enjoying yourself, the work just starts to build up and up and then you get to a point where you start to feel like everything is on top of you and you start to stress, right? But then, look at it the other way, if you spend ALL of your time, revising, planning, working, and make no time for you to actually enjoy yourself now and again, you start to feel like rubbish and surprise surprise, you're stressed and under pressure again because you feel like there is no time for you to take a break. 

Well, I have been on both ends of those spectrum's and it is NOT fun! So, I am not telling you to all just stop working hard and use the fact that you're 'under too much stress' to go out far more than you should but, I will say! make time for yourself, because it is just as important, It's all well people telling you that this is the most important year of your life where decisions need to be made and you need to be focused, which, okay, is true! But that doesn't mean you have to give up having fun and making time for important things and important people in your life because you're too caught up in studying. 

Take time to just relax, go out with your friends! or if you're like me, take time to just relax and read a book, or write if that is something you like to do! It's not fair that every time you take a break from work, you feel guilty because whilst you're attempting to enjoy yourself, all you can think about is the ridiculous amount or work/revision/essays you have piled at home just waiting to be done. So, with that being said, learn to prioritise! what is really really important that needs to be done on a particular day, and what can wait! This way, you're less likely to worry about what needs to be done! Also, if you're an extremely busy person like me, don't be afraid to step back from some of your commitments, people understand that A-levels are no walk in the park, they will understand when you can't make something, or alternatively don't commit to anything you know you cannot give you full focus too. 

But, I don't want this to just be about students and A-levels, if you're anyone who is constantly busy, or you just never have time for yourself or the people you love, then MAKE TIME, nothing on earth is promised forever, you don't want to miss out on an opportunity because you were too 'busy', really, you're only ever as busy as you make yourself, unless, of course, your work restricts you, nonetheless, the point I am trying to make is MAKE TIME for yourself and those important people around you because time is precious! 

"Lost time is never found again"" You may delay, but time will not"
Benjamin Franklin

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