Thursday 19 September 2013

doing what makes YOU happy...

There is a lot of pressure in the world today for young people to know what they want to do with the rest of their lives, and if they don't, there is a hurried decision from teachers, parents, guardians, whoever it is that influences your future, to make the decision now, as if to say, if we don't do it now, then we will never will.

I know it's important to know what you want to do with your future, we all do! but that doesn't mean if we don't decide now then we won't succeed in life. Too many parents get to decide what their child does with their life and I don't think that is fair. Yes, okay, your parents raised you and therefore get a say in the path that your life chooses to take, but that should be it surely? why are parents and teachers allowed to tell you what subjects you can and can't choose, depending if they're good enough for you, or if they think you're good enough for them? why are parents allowed to say whether or not university is the right thing for us?
THEY ARE NOT. The only way these people influence our lives is if we let them. I am not telling you to disregard any advice you're given by yours parents or teachers because they do know what they're talking, but  not all the time. They are treating us like adults, and asking us to make decisions that will determine the rest of our lives therefore, we should have the last say right? 'Adults' get to decided what they do with their lives, don't they? not always so, too many people don't enjoy what they're doing right now because somebody else made the decision for them.

Well, you don't need to be one of those people. You should be able to do what makes you happy and do it to your best. If you're some who is creative, and artistic, then go for it! work your hardest in that area and you will succeed. If you're someone who is talented in sports and that is what you love to do, then go for it! and you will succeed. Not everyone is born to be a Doctor, or a Lawyer or a successful Actor/Actress. Everyone has a different purpose for their life, surely society would have realised that by now. My brother was constantly being influenced and told what he could or couldn't do and he struggled to find something that he actually enjoyed, and now, he is living it up in Greece doing what he does best, having the best time of his life, entertaining families and people in Hotels and he is payed well, so where is the issue? there isn't one. but you'd never find, Holiday Entertainer in a prospectus would you? It's funny how the world works aye. But I believe you should chase after your dreams no matter what they are, screw society, go against the system and LIVE FOR YOURSELF

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