Saturday 28 December 2013


So, my blog post today comes from a conversation I was having with my best friend today.

People who...

First off, I will start with the girls that act like their relationship/boyfriend is the only important thing in the world and everything that comes out of their mouths is boy related; the issues they're having, the arguments! Like, do you not have anything better to talk to me about other than your failing relationship? what about things that actually matter in the world, that are important to just more than one person.

Second of all, and probably one of the most annoying things, people who act like they care! For example, if you've never spoken to me/ or a person before, and something bad happens, why do you all of a sudden care? why is the fact that something in my life goes wrong, and you're all of a sudden my best friend? NO, if you don't know me, don't pretend that you care.

Thirdly, ungrateful people. people who don't realise how lucky they are to have luxuries and things, yet they don't get one thing and they start behaving like they don't get ANYTHING. everything is a blessing whether we receive it or not! don't be the fool who thinks that luxuries are forever, because when you base your life on material things, and all that is gone! you will have nothing, so don't being so ungrateful and appreciate things. AND THOSE WHO ARE UNGRATEFUL FOR THEIR PARENTS! don't even get me started, them ones that will make statuses saying they 'hate' their mum or dad? pardon? I think you forgot how you got here in the first place. don't be ridiculous! yeah, i understand that not every parent is a good parent, but that besides the point.

and my fourth and final point, although I could write soooo much more, is those who are disrespectful. I mean people who disrespect someones beliefs, someones morals, someones lifestyle, someones things and who just outright disrespect a person. Who can you possibly think you are to believe that you can belittle someone else, I can't get my head around it! Respect is something that is earnt yes! but that doesn't give you the right to deliberately go out of your way to be disrespectful. It's unnecessary and quite frankly rude.

I didn't want to rant but it has pretty much turnt out that way. anyway! HAPPY END TO 2013 :D 

Monday 25 November 2013


My post today is about something VERY close to my heart! you're probably wondering why my post is called 'Hope For Justice' as you may not have heard of the charity before! Hope For Justice is a charity in the UK that is aimed at rescuing victims including young girls, children and women and men you have been sex trafficked in the UK! and giving them the aftercare they require

Many people refuse to believe, or are naive to the fact that it happens right under our noses and just expect it to happen in Eastern European countries, or other parts of the world! Well, that's definitely not the case! In actual fact the number of people being trafficked in the UK is increasingly rising. You might be thinking, why don't these people go to the police? It's not as simple as that, many victims are owned by people who pose in outfits that would make them appear as someone they can trust like the police, therefore these victims don't know who to trust, and speaking to anyone could put their life at risk. Many police officers are  also bribed with money and other luxuries to keep quiet! BUT I REFUSE TO BE. They're often even drugged and brainwashed to believe that what is happening to them, is because they deserve it! and because they're 'loved' by their 'pimps' or 'owners' but there is no way that any of this can be classed as love!

Many people are lured into a trap of thinking that they can trust this man/woman, they're given gifts and treated like princes and princess, right up until they take that victim into their ring of friends, and they spend the rest of their life living in hell on earth, quotas can be for up 100+ men a night, they're then abused physically, verbally, mentally and sexually!

I want to make YOU aware this, and I want YOU to have a heart for these victims! They're worth SO much more than they believe or that they're told! they're not made to be someones slave, in terms of sexually, physically or for drugs! they're human beings, with feelings, with a heart! with a PURPOSE. They deserve so much more in life, every single one of those victims! CHILDREN! WOMEN! GIRLS! MEN! people have to wake up and understand that society isn't as happy as it appears

I am going to dedicate my life, to see that I help as many victims of ANY form of human trafficking, this is why I want to study psychology, I want to be able to be a person of trust and counselling for those victims who do make it out. I want them to know they're worth so much more! That they are princesses and princes. They're loved. They're children of the most high God! and yeah okay, you might believe in God or a God but that defeats the point!

I am planning a charity event for this in the new year! many of you have heard about it and if you want to be involved in ANY way, let me know! Also, I recommend you read TRAFFICKED- a book about a British girl who made it out (True Story)

#stophumantrafficking #hopeforjustice #UK

Thursday 7 November 2013

In Loving Memory...

So I haven't posted a blog in a while because I didn't know what to write about,  and I want to do this blog justice.

And I thought no better way to write my nexy post about a close friend very dear to my heart who I recently lost, she was more like a sister

Katie Woods, the happiest person I knew on earth,  she was always there for me and everyone else, she encouraged me to xhade after my dreams and always told me how proud of me she was of who I turned out ro be. I cherish every single moment I had with her, we laughed until we cried, we cried until we laughed, we talked until we couldn't talk no more and we danced and sang like there was no tomorrow. We spoke about boys and she always told me not to take things too seriously and just focus on God, or if ir was someone she approved of, she would tell me to just 'go and talk to them' She was a perfect example of not giving up, despite all her trials and tribulations and health problems,  nothing hindered her at all, she went after her dreams, she achieved more in her life than I could imagine myself doing,  she was a great inspiration to all and she blessed so many lives and will be greatly missed!

Death isn't a great thing for anyone,  you fo through these stages that you can't really explain
1. Disbelief- You can't believe that that person has gone
2.Guilt- You feel like you should have made more time for that person
3. Depression- not full on depressed,  but a part of you feels empty, lost, you lose concentration and you feel lonely
4. And the final stage, Acceptance- once you reach this stage, you are able to come to terms with the loss of a loved one

These are just normal things but you never have to face them alone, your friends will always be there to support you, and I promise anyone who needs help coping with death of a loved one, I am here to support you, whoever you are and I promise all of my friends and family that I will ALWAYS have all the time in the world for you. You will never be alone xxx

Psalm 30;5 Weeping may remain for the night, but rejoice comes in the morning

Tuesday 8 October 2013

learn to love yourselves

my blog post today is going to be about learning to love who we are. And by love, I don't mean in a cocky, arrogant way, where you believe that everyone loves you because of how pretty you think you may be, or how many friends you have.  I mean a genuine love, accepting who are and realising that you were made an individual and not a copy.

1. The greatest gift you can give yourself is yourself filled with self-love. Unfortunately,  in our society too many people are hard on themselves because they haven't learnt to accept their own beauty.

2. Instead of fighting with yourself, beating yourself up and trying to change these imperfections that we all have, love yourself!  Embrace every imperfection you have and work with it.

3. It's cliché but true, no one can never love you properly if you don't learn to love yourself.  It's a hard task, and we all criticise the way we are, whether that be how we look, how we act etc.

Whether you're size 6 or 20, Black or White, confident or quiet! Totally embrace it all because no one else can be you, people may judge you but that's because we try and find faults in other people to make ourselves feel better,  it's human nature. 

Forget about the little things in life, love yourself for who you are, if you are one of these people who have to look in the mirror everyday and say what you love about yourself , THEN DO IT! and work it like there is no tomorrow. I for one, am sick and tired of how one person, who I might add probably has nothing natural about them, gets to decided what's right and what's wrong in a person, be whoever the hell you want to be!

Those of you who know me, know I am an original sass pot! and always have been! I've never really worried about how people look at me, because I have accepted that I will never look like Beyoncé or Rihanna or whoever the media finds 'perfect' but I am a happy person and that's because I learnt to love myself!

The hardest challenge is to be yourseld in a world where everyone is trying to make you somebody else- E.E. Cummings

Monday 7 October 2013

You've got us all wrong....

I haven't written a post in a while because I didn't want this to be a pointless thing where I just write for the sake of writing.

The title of today's blog is 'you've got us all wrong' because I am going to talk about Christians,  this including myself! having been one of the most judged religions in the world, which quite frankly I can understand,  because there are a number of fools who claim to be Christian and give us a bad name. First thing I will start by saying is, I am not religious at all, how is that possible you're thinking? Well,  being religious means that you're living under 'monastic vows' and I can tell you, I have no vows to live under, I simply live my life with a relationship with Jesus, there are no rules, the 10 commandments are certainly not 'vows' in fact, they're no different to what society would follow today,  'thou shall not commit murder' well I should hope not.

Secondly,  we do not 'hate' gay people,  that is one of the biggest lies that has ever been branded on Christian's, being gay doesn't mean you're going to hell, Jesus loves and accepts you no matter your walk of life or what you have done, too many radical's, I don't even want to call them Christian's, are quick to say, 'we hate gays', when the the truth is, those people really don't know the true meaning of being 'followers of Christ' Jesus walked with everyone

Another thing that frustrates me is how the media portray Christianity,  pedophile priests and songs of praise (boring and outdated I am sure you would agree). I can assure you that we Christian's aren't boring,  and those of you who know me can clarify this. The funniest, best moments in my life have been in church, at christian camps and conferences, at massive Christian concerts were we go absolutely mental to dupsteb and strobe lights. I have seen first-hand healings, I have been healed myself, I have experienced things that I will never be able to fully explain.

God and Jesus may be a myth to you, but he is very much alive and walking with me, everyone has a right to their own beliefs, I fully respect that, but don't tell me what I believe is wrong. All Christian' s aren't bad people,  just like all German's weren't Nazis. You will never be able to understand God unless you have an encounter with him, you will just try to understand what someone else tells you, just like you will never understand what a heart attack feels like unless you have one yourself,  you will only know what you've been told.

And if you've read this thinking what absolute bullshit, I love you, and Jesus does to. Nothing like a good atheist to ne friends with, mwah x

Wednesday 25 September 2013

My Dad...The Full Story

Okay, so my post tonight is very personal but I wanted to write about this just to show you that no matter what you're going through right now, you can get through it

Within the last year my Dad has become really ill. He collapsed last September and hit his head and from that, it triggered a bleed in his brain, and because of where it is, the Doctors can't do anything about it otherwise it will kill him, so he is living with Alzheimer's and Dementia. A few months ago he fell again in town, and this time, it put him in hospital for a month, this was really hard for me because for a while he didn't recognise me and that broke my heart more than anything because my dad is my absolute everything.

After that month of being in hospital, he got to come home, but I knew that it wouldn't ever be the same, there would be good days and bad days, and every day was a gamble! but that didn't matter because he was with me. However, yesterday, my dad had another fall and has become worse than we expected, now he is having hallucinations and he keeps hearing things that aren't there. At 2 am this morning, I was woken up by the noise of my dad moving around so I ran downstairs, he was trying to get into the kitchen but couldn't so I put him back to bed and sat with him until he was asleep again before I went back to bed before it was time for me to get up for sixth form. Today when I got in from sixthform, my dad explained to me that the reason he got up is because he heard a storm (there wasn't one) and that he had been sat talking to his friend (who has been dead for  4 yrs) and he even spoke to his parents, who are also dead. This really scared me and I don't have a clue what it means, could my Dad be coming to the end of his life, I am not sure.

I just wanted to share this with you guys because, although I am not fully coping, I mean, it's definitely hard to balance 4 A-levels, and caring for my Dad as well but I am a happy person. You probably don't understand how I stay so happy when my Dad is dying and there is nothing I can do about it. but the truth is, it's my faith, God gives me my strength, and to you, God may be a myth but he is my ultimate strength right now! It's very hard for me, and I am not a sad person, I had to grow up way before my time so now I don't express my emotions that well, which is why writing helps me. My life isn't easy, I often go to bed crying because I am worrying about my Dad, and work build up is stressing me out, but I can honestly say that, without God and the friends he has blessed me with, I would have ended my life by now, and I don't say that for attention or because it's a good one liner, I just feel like had it not been for my faith, and my friends, I would have nothing to live for

So yeah, now you can understand a bit of me, and if you're my friend and you read this, don't feel like you have to pussy foot around me, I am still YY!

Thursday 19 September 2013

doing what makes YOU happy...

There is a lot of pressure in the world today for young people to know what they want to do with the rest of their lives, and if they don't, there is a hurried decision from teachers, parents, guardians, whoever it is that influences your future, to make the decision now, as if to say, if we don't do it now, then we will never will.

I know it's important to know what you want to do with your future, we all do! but that doesn't mean if we don't decide now then we won't succeed in life. Too many parents get to decide what their child does with their life and I don't think that is fair. Yes, okay, your parents raised you and therefore get a say in the path that your life chooses to take, but that should be it surely? why are parents and teachers allowed to tell you what subjects you can and can't choose, depending if they're good enough for you, or if they think you're good enough for them? why are parents allowed to say whether or not university is the right thing for us?
THEY ARE NOT. The only way these people influence our lives is if we let them. I am not telling you to disregard any advice you're given by yours parents or teachers because they do know what they're talking, but  not all the time. They are treating us like adults, and asking us to make decisions that will determine the rest of our lives therefore, we should have the last say right? 'Adults' get to decided what they do with their lives, don't they? not always so, too many people don't enjoy what they're doing right now because somebody else made the decision for them.

Well, you don't need to be one of those people. You should be able to do what makes you happy and do it to your best. If you're some who is creative, and artistic, then go for it! work your hardest in that area and you will succeed. If you're someone who is talented in sports and that is what you love to do, then go for it! and you will succeed. Not everyone is born to be a Doctor, or a Lawyer or a successful Actor/Actress. Everyone has a different purpose for their life, surely society would have realised that by now. My brother was constantly being influenced and told what he could or couldn't do and he struggled to find something that he actually enjoyed, and now, he is living it up in Greece doing what he does best, having the best time of his life, entertaining families and people in Hotels and he is payed well, so where is the issue? there isn't one. but you'd never find, Holiday Entertainer in a prospectus would you? It's funny how the world works aye. But I believe you should chase after your dreams no matter what they are, screw society, go against the system and LIVE FOR YOURSELF

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Is there any need for it?

So, Today I struggled to find what I would write about on my blog tonight and as the day went on, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to give my views on people who are judgmental towards one another.

I can understand that people won't always get along, and people have reasons for not liking one another, but what I don't and won't ever understand is the need for people to purposely go out of their way to judge someone else.. Girls especially! The constant bitching and feeling like they have the right to classify that girl as 'ugly' or that other girl a 'slag'. People will constantly overuse the phrase 'sticks and stones make break my bones, but words will never hurt me', Well everyone knows that's a lie and quite possibly the worlds biggest..
It doesn't make you a weak person to admit that you were hurt by what someone said, in fact, it just makes you human.

But that isn't my point, my point is, we only have one life on this earth together, so why are we putting each other down? yes, I am aware this sounds cheesy and awfully hopeful, but that's okay isn't it? Surely, if our world focused on being supportive and encouraging people no matter what their chosen lifestyle, we could eradicate a number of psychological illnesses such as depression that are often a consequence of negative and irrational thoughts that have been planted into that person by the words of someone else. I am not saying depression is purely a product of irrational thoughts because it's not, there are biological factors as well however, the words you speak over someone will influence how they see themselves whether that be positive or negative.

I am not asking for everyone to be artificial and pretend to like one another because let's be honest, that's unrealistic, but just think about what you're speaking over the lives of the people you come into contact with and remember that nobody likes to feel worthless. Speak a positive word over someone and they'll remember it for a day, speak down on that person and they'll never forget. It doesn't hurt to be nice to one another, and if it hurts you, I'd rethink your principles.

Tuesday 17 September 2013


I am going to apologies now for any spelling mistakes I make and any previous ones from other blogs... You're probably wondering why today's blog title is called broken and I am going to tell you

After youth this evening, I decided that I wanted to cover the topic of broken families, which sadly, isn't uncommon in our society today. My family aren't broken in the sense that my Mum and Dad are divorced because that certainly isn't the case but we certainly aren't the world's most functional family. In fact we are far from it.. the issue with the people in my family is that we hold grudges, we're too stubborn to turn to each other and say look, I understand that we've been through a lot and had our differences but I am sorry.. those words aren't familiar to my family!

I don't know how many of you can relate to this, but for me, the importance of family is quite potentially the most important aspect of life, what good is it to live a life without the support of your family! and don't get me wrong, your family can be whoever you choose them to be, whether that be you're adopted or you don't have a Mother or a Father. but the important fact is, we need to cherish those in our family for better and for worse because when it comes down to it, generally speaking they're all we have on this earth. I guess for me it's slightly different as I am a Christian and spend a lot of my time in Church which is great because I am surrounded by an awesome church family and I know that someone has always got my back, but I understand that's not the case for everyone..

I know families argue, and people fall out, but I just want to encourage anyone who reads this that feels like their family is falling apart or that they never really had one in the first place. Try and resolve those issues because life is so much better when you have your family to turn to. I know it's easier said than done and someone could be reading this who has had the most awful upbringing and been a product of an abusive family and think I am talking a load of rubbish.. but you're not alone! I believe God loves every single one of you and that could mean absolutely nothing to you.. and fair enough if it doesn't, but I am always here to talk to you, and if you can't turn to your family support, I am always here for advice. and if you have read this and thought about how broken your family is, remember things that become broken, can always be fixed.

Monday 16 September 2013

here goes something new...

So I am not entirely sure what your first blog post is meant to entitle but I thought I'd start off by telling you guys a little bit about me, I suppose that's a reasonable start. MY NAME IS Y'ETSHA, pronounce that how you will! I am a 17yr old Christian from the good ol' Great Britain and I a devoted bookwarm, I also love writing so this seemed like a sassy idea.

Urmm, I love Cath Kidston because she is my floral queen and music/dance are my passions, I like the sound of the guitar because it sounds beautiful and can make you feel a lot of things. I like to shop in Charity shops because you get the best bargains and there clothes are 10x better than the 'latest trends' and I am a very opinionated person, that's me win a nutshell